The Seven Rays of Light are emenations of light from the divine to help us become our highest potential. They relate to the chakras but the colors are different. Only move on to this information once you have a solid grasp of the origional colors of the chakras. Imagine these colors entering through the top of you head and rooting through your feet into the Earth. Then, think of what the colors stand for and ask for help from Angels. You can use one or all at once, giving each your undivided attention. Throughout the day call on them for support.
First Ray (Royal Blue): Divine Will, connected to the Throat Chakra bringing faith, courage, and power. Call on Archangels Michael and Faith.
Second Ray (Yellow): Divine Wisdom, connected to the Crown Chakra bringing enlightenment, lightness of being, and inspiration. Call on Archangel Jophiel and Christine.
Third Ray (Rose): Divine Love, connected to the Heart Chakra bringing beauty, kindness, dicernment, and charity. Call on Archangels Chamuel and Charity.
Fourth Ray (White): Divine Grace, connected to the Base Chakra bringing purification through conflict, dicipline, hope and balance. Call on Archangels Gabriel and Hope.
Fifth Ray (Green): Divine Peace, connected to the Third Eye Chakra bringing concrete knowledge, science, and the healing arts. Call on Archangels Raphael and Mary.
Sixth Ray (Gold and Purple): Divine Purpose, connected to the Solar Plexus Chakra bringing the desire to serve, devotion, and ministration. Call on Archangels Uriel and Aurora.
Seventh Ray (Violet): Divine Transmutation, connected to the Sacral Chakra bringing mercy, freedom, right relationship between Heaven and Earth, and the ability to understand and release karma. Call on Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst.