Aries: Acknowledgment of self as separate from others is a seed of possibility. Learn to use relationships for mutual support and inspiration but the inner compass is the most trusted guide.
Taurus: Nurturing, providing, and structure are important but don't lose sight of the gifts from unscripted experiences. Not everything can or should be quantified.
Gemini: Balance the divine feminine and masculine within. The net outcome will be more rewarding outward relationships.
Cancer: Use the senses to experience the world more fully. Watchfulness is required to keep emotions in check.
Leo: Reign in creative energy so that it is not scattered. Focused intent invigorates, motivates, and emboldens action.
Virgo: Let go of materiality and trust in higher purpose. Individual endeavors will then be personally fulfilling as well as having a positive effect within the collective.
Libra: More can be accomplished when working with others. Maintain awareness of the group identity instead of being overwhelmed by it.
Scorpio: Lead by example. Stay clear of martyrdom.
Sagittarius: Help others to stay on track by sharing knowledge. Watch out for signs of judgement or anything that causes feelings of “better than”.
Capricorn: See the world picture. Bring together others to inspire lasting change. Organization is important for productivity and maintaining objectives.
Aquarius: Feelings of unity cultivates compassion. Keep sympathy at bay because it will cloud perceptions.
Pisces: Natural understanding of our interconnectedness may keep you from being fully rooted in this particular expression. Find ways to be fully in the NOW so you may properly manifest your dreams.